Montgomery County R-II is proud to announce Kate Healy has been named one of three Regional Teachers of the Year. This spring Mrs. Healy was named the Montgomery County R-II Teacher of the year; she will now represent our region of the state in the Missouri Teacher of the Year process.
Mrs. Healy has been in education for 13 years, she currently serves as the 6th grade Language Arts teacher at Montgomery County Middle School. Kate has been a Wildcat all her life, she is a proud graduate who has become a dedicated teacher to the students in her community. Kate was nominated for District Teacher of the Year by two colleagues, you can read her nominations below. After her selection as MCMS Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Healy completed an application process and was selected as MCR-II Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Healy had tough competition in the district that included Mrs. Rhonda Vicente, Mrs. Kim Clements, and Mr. Joe Klekamp.
“Kate goes above and beyond to make sure that she is reaching all of her students, not just the easy ones. She doesn’t ever seek out the easy out as she works with kids to truly develop understanding within her content area but also to help these kids adjust to their new environment in the middle school of our district. She is always willing to help new staff members with any and all questions, and offer advice on how to handle situations that arise. She is one of the very best teachers I have ever come into contact with during my career in education.”
“Kate Healy goes above and beyond to help students and staff to be successful everyday. Kate is the kind of teacher who makes teachers want to be better teachers. She is the kind of teacher who makes students want to be better students. Kate works hard to improve her classroom curriculum and the middle school environment every day. I am one hundred percent positive that the Middle School is a better place for having Mrs. Healy as a teacher. I also think she is making our community a better place by preparing students to be successful members of society by teaching students based on their individual needs. Kate is always working during her free time and spending her own funds to help improve the learning in her classroom and to create a positive learning environment at the middle school. Kate's work ethic is filled with passion and drive to help challenge students to be the best they can be. Kate has been the teacher of the year every year I have known her, and she will continue to be for the rest of her career.”
Mrs. Healy submitted additional application materials and was selected as one of three Regional Teachers of the Year from the Heart of Missouri Regional Professional Development Center. Kate will receive a $250 prize and a scholarship to attend Teacher Academy. Mrs. Healy will be recognized at a celebration luncheon in Columbia on July 15. As a Regional Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Healy is eligible to apply for Missouri State Teacher of the Year. The Missouri Teacher of the Year will be announced in September.