Tier 1 PBS
Middle School PBS
The main function of the PBS committee at the Middle School is to maintain Tier 1 PBS. That means that they are responsible for making sure the universal lessons from the matrix for the entire student body are taught. They also plan the rewards and celebrations for when the expectations are met. The committee looks at school wide data to see where there may be areas on the matrix that need to be addressed. To see a list of the school wide expectations (or the matrix) see the link in the navigation bar: PBS Expectations. See below for the different types of rewards and celebrations used at the Middle School.
The PBS Committee: The PBS Committee is lead by a group of teachers and staff from the Middle School.
Committee Meetings: The PBS Committee meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month after school at the Middle School. If you have any ideas for ways that we can reward our students and celebrate success please e-mail one of the members of the committee or call the Middle School. We are always accepting donations for prizes and supplies for celebrations.
Principal's 100 is a reward system used at the Middle School. Students found being Positive, Respectful, and Responsible are given a PuRR ticket. Students then turn them into the office and pick a number. The ticket goes in the space that matches the number drawn. When there are 10 in a row those students win a prize.
Lessons are taught at the beginning of the year to teach expectations in all areas of the school. There is a sample of a lesson that teaches Respect and Responsibility in All Settings of the School environment in the document manager.