Drama Club

Hello all,

This is a message from Mrs. Resimius, 6th Grade Math Teacher and Drama Club Sponsor here at MCMS. I am very excited to announce that Drama Club will be starting back up this week! We will kick things off with an informational meeting for all grade levels during Academic Lab on Thursday, September 16th. If you're interested in performing on stage or working behind the scenes to bring our school play to life in March, then join us this Thursday to find out what Drama Club is all about! Just make sure you check in with your Ac Lab teacher before heading to the multi-purpose room.

I have attached a document to this email that has the rules, expectations, and preliminary dates for Drama Club. On the second page, you will find the permission slip. If you are a student who would like to join Drama Club, please have you and your parent/guardian sign and return the permission slip back to me either by email or in person. If you need to get a copy from me, I am in Room 106.

After this first meeting, most Drama Club meetings will be held on Wednesdays after school until 5:00 pm in the multi-purpose room. One of the exceptions to this will be during the third week of every month, in which our meeting will be moved from Wednesday to Thursday after school. Once I know how many students want to participate, I will be able to print out calendars with the exact dates. During 1st Quarter, those interested in acting will focus on memorizing monologues and reading from a script so they can use these skills to audition for our school play at the start of 2nd Quarter. If you are currently playing a sport and will not be available for after-school Drama Club meetings until October, please turn in your permission slip now and make sure you put a note on there about when you will start attending our weekly meetings.

Feel free to email me at eresimius@mc-wildcats.org or come talk to me if you have any further questions. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday!

Mrs. Resimius

6th Grade Math Teacher
Drama Club Sponsor
MCMS Room 106