
Registration for the 2021-2022 School Year will be: Wednesday, August 11th from 12:00 (noon) until 8:00 pm Thursday, August 12th from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm. Registration will be online this year. Online registration for current students will be open July 26 through August 12, 2021.  Please plan to attend one of the registration dates because parts of the registration process will still require you to sign a paper document. You will also need to pay the Chromebook technology fee in person, either cash or check. If you pay the Chromebook fee, you will be allowed to take your student's Chromebook home that evening. You will need to attend the registration night to obtain your student's schedule. 

Below you can read more specific information about the online registration process.

If you are new to the district, please call or stop by the Central Office between 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, Tuesday through Friday. Current Students: Once the registration window opens you will log into the SISK12 Parent Portal and access the registration information for your child(ren). You will need to have proof of residency to upload in the eForms section of the Parent Portal. Acceptable documents for proof of residency include the child's physical address: utility bill, signed rental agreement, signed real estate contract, paycheck stub, W2, or driver's license. You can access Parent Portal via our website, or using the direct link to our Parent Portal, New Students: Please call or come by the Central Office, or email Melissa Lockhart at mlockhart@mc so we can establish your student in SIS. You will need to provide a current email address, parent and guardian name and address, and a phone number. Once you are set up in Parent Portal, you will be able to complete enrollment for your student(s) online. You will need immunization records, birth certificate, proof of residency that includes the child's physical address: utility bill, signed rental agreement, signed real estate contract, paycheck stub, W2, or driver's license. They will be uploaded in the eForms section of the Parent Portal. Returning Students (previously enrolled in MCR-II, have attended elsewhere and are returning): Please call or come by the Central Office, or email Melissa Lockhart at mlockhart@mc so we can re-establish your student in SIS. You will need to provide an active email address and an updated physical address. Once reactivated in Parent Portal, you will be able to complete enrollment for your student(s) online. You will need updated immunization records and proof of residency to upload in eForms.